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Get your dream award quicker together with Mileage Pooling

The best thing about your award miles is what you make of them. And that happens faster together. With Mileage Pooling, two adults and up to five children can combine their award miles in one mileage pool free of charge. This way, your mileage account will grow all the faster, and your joint wishes will come true in no time.

It works like this


Access the Mileage Pooling function in your mileage account.


Add other Miles & More members to your mileage pool.


Earn together, and look forward to getting your desired award faster.

Your benefits with Mileage Pooling

All Miles & More members over the age of 18 can start their own pool

Invite Miles & More members with whom you would like to earn award miles together

The award miles of all the members will be collected in the mileage pool

Award miles are automatically managed according to possible expiry date; protected miles are redeemed only if unprotected miles are not sufficient for the desired award

Earn miles in a team 

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Here, we explain in just 60 seconds how to combine your award miles with others in a mileage pool.

General Questions

What exactly does the Mileage Pooling feature contain?

As part of Mileage Pooling, members of the Miles & More programme can earn and redeem miles together as part of a group called a mileage pool. A mileage pool can consist of a maximum of two adults and up to five children/adolescents. The offer is currently available to members from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia.

Who can participate in Mileage Pooling?

Miles & More members resident in Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania or Croatia can participate in Mileage Pooling. If the offer is extended to other markets, we will inform our members in due time.

Is there a minimum and maximum number of mileage pool members?

The minimum number for a mileage pool is two members, with one of the members having reached legal age (18 years old). A mileage pool can consist of a maximum of two adults and five children/adolescents. The children/adolescents must be at least two years of age and not older than 17 years.


Can I be a member of several mileage pools at the same time?

No, every Miles & More member may only participate in one mileage pool.

Do the two adult members of the mileage pool have to be married or are there no restrictions?

There are no restrictions. Any adult Miles & More member can join forces with another adult member for Mileage Pooling. This means, for example, that friends can earn miles together.

If an adult has the credit card and the miles are protected, does this apply to all members of a pool?

Mileage protection via the credit card is individual and therefore only applies to the miles of the credit card holder. 

Creating a mileage pool

Who can set up a mileage pool?

Any adult Miles & More member resident in Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania or Croatia may open a Mileage Pool. Underage Miles & More members cannot set up a mileage pool, but they may be invited to join a mileage pool by their legal guardian or legal representative.

How can I open a mileage pool?

The “Mileage Pooling” function has been set up in your account. An invitation can be made by entering the service card number of the member to be invited under “Invite members”. A maximum of one additional adult and up to five children/adolescents can be invited. If the invited party accepts the invitation, then the pool is considered founded.

How do I know that I have been invited to a mileage pool?

Members who have been invited to a mileage pool will receive an e-mail if they have an e-mail address saved in their profile. In addition, an entry is made in your inbox. The entry in the inbox is delayed.

Can I cancel my invitation?

Yes, but only as long as the invitation has not been accepted by the invited member. As long as no acceptance has been received, the invitation can be withdrawn at any time. The “Recall invitation” field is available for this purpose in your account in the “Mileage Pooling” section.

Can I reject an invitation?

Yes. A rejection is made via the “Reject” field in the invitation.

Earn and redeem in the mileage pool

Where can I see the amount of miles earned together and the amount of miles I’ve earned individually?

Seven days after opening the pool, the members’ miles will be aggregated. From this point on, adult members will be shown the pooled miles rather than the individual miles in their mileage account balance, e.g. at www.miles-and-more.com or www.lufthansa.com.

Both your pooled mileage balance and your individual mileage balance will be visible in your Miles & More account. Underage members of the pool will still only see their individual mileage balance.

How is the pooled award miles balance calculated and what are the conditions?

The pooled mileage balance is calculated as the sum of the award miles of the individual pool members. For award miles to be included in the pooled award mileage balance, at least one award mile must be earned via a transaction with a Miles & More partner, such as by booking a flight, by using your credit card or by making a purchase from a programme partner. Award Miles that have not been earned from a partner (such as by registering for the Miles & More newsletter) can only be included in the pooled award mileage balance once this condition has been met.

Can I decide myself how many of my award miles will be included in the pooled award mile balance?

No, that is not possible. As of the date of opening a mileage pool, the award miles of all members will be added and included in the pool mileage account balance.

Can I decide how many award miles will be used by which pool member for an award redemption request?

No, that is not possible. Miles & More will select the most favourable alternative for members; in other words, the system manages the miles automatically according to the possible expiry date. The award miles closest to expiry are redeemed first across all accounts. In the case of mileage protection, the award miles that were earned first will be the ones redeemed. In addition, protected miles will not be redeemed unless the unprotected ones are insufficient for the desired award. An individual selection of the miles to be redeemed is not possible.

Where do I see if award miles from my account were used in an award request?

The pool members of the group whose miles were used for the award will receive a notification to this effect in their online mileage account.

Who can redeem the pooled award miles?

The two adult members of the mileage pool can redeem the pooled miles. They can access the miles on equal terms. Minors cannot access the pooled miles, but they can still use their individual award miles for an award request.

Are the miles protected from mileage expiry? Will Mileage Pooling affect the validity of my miles?

No, participating in Mileage Pooling does not affect the validity of miles. However, the award miles belonging to holders of a Miles & More credit card, Frequent Travellers, Senators and HON Circle Members are exempted from mileage expiry.

When will all members earn miles for the joint pool?

Members will start earning miles together seven days after the invitation to Mileage Pooling has been accepted. This verification period is for the safety of all members. During this period, your miles will be credited to your individual mileage account as usual. You can then start earning miles and redeeming awards together.

Leaving a mileage pool

When and how can I leave my mileage pool and what do I need to consider?

The members of a mileage pool can leave at any time. An appropriate feature is available for this purpose in the member’s online account. After leaving a mileage pool, the member as well as the space in the pool are suspended from Mileage Pooling for six months.

Why was I removed from my mileage pool when I turned 18?

At legal age, members gain new rights in relation to Mileage Pooling. For this reason, they are automatically removed from the previous pool. However, unlike leaving, the member is not subject to a suspension period and can immediately join an existing mileage pool - either the previous one or a different one - or they can found a mileage pool of their own.

What happens if a member leaves the group? Are miles deleted directly from the virtual account? How much time does the process take?

Once a member leaves a pool, their miles are deleted directly from the pool and become unavailable to the other pool members. A new member cannot join the group until six months have passed.